Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's confirmed

Yup. I've got Type II Diabetes. Adult Onset Diabetes.


It's really strange. I had a series of blood and urine tests done 2 months ago and everything was negative. The bright side of it is that it was spotted so early.

I've decided to go the Eat for Life diet. This will be for 6 weeks. There've been many diabetics who've reversed their condition.

Wish me luck.


Blogger expat@large said...

That's not great news, but you can conquer this!

Let's get back to the (controlled) exercise and low GI diet schtick, dude!

We both SO need to get fitter, and for you it's now an imperative, while for me it's the threat of heart attack territory that loooms. Let's revitalise the old shared blog, get the band back together and not be the blues brothers any more!!!


12:01 am  
Blogger PC said...

Sounds great :o). You should read the book too... although, for a food-loving-person like me, it was not so appealing until it became life or death.

12:08 pm  

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